Internal movement

With this module, we send the Horizon internal movement note. When you select the product to be moved, you will see its free balance in the selected warehouse and product batch information. Search for a product by barcode, name, product code or batch number. The module is designed to provide maximum convenience and adaptability to your company's needs. Thanks to the intuitive user interface, it will be easy for your employees to use this functionality.

Fast movement of goods between warehouses
Accurate and transparent information about the product/batches
Created document: internal movement note
Document status: draft or final
Purchase module

Included functionality


Possibility to select the batch of goods to be moved and to move different batches of the same goods using just one document


Scan the barcode to find the item you are moving significantly faster


Enter the amount of goods using the calculator built into the application


Search for a product by barcode, name, nomenclature code or batch number


Before sending the quote to Horizon, enrich it with the extension number, additional notes and justification


Optionally send a draft document, executed documents or execute only the outgoing document

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